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April 17, 2012
Minnesota house kills Vikings stadium; Gov. Dayton: "Wait till next year!"
Another one bites the dust: The Minnesota house government operations committee voted 9-6 last night to spike the Vikings stadium bill, leaving the plan for a $1 billion Minneapolis stadium all but lifeless. "Somebody would have to pull a rabbit out of the hat," said Rep. Morrie Lanning, the bill's lead author.
Of course, the Vikings have been through this before — and before, and before — and with the team already committed to staying at the Metrodome for this fall, all concerned are apparently ready to come back next spring to do it all over again, with all the old rejected stadium plans now back on the table. "If we don't get it this session we'll get it next session," said Gov. Mark Dayton today. "Sometimes the difficult takes a while, the impossible takes a little longer."
Added Dayton: "We have to get a stadium next year or the Vikings will leave. It's just as clear as that." I feel like I heard this somewhere before ... oh, right.

I don't think I can take another round of lies, cajoling, unworkable proposals, constantly changing finance plans and general contempt for the intelligence of the average taxpayer displayed by the Wilf shills. Seriously, a lot of taxpayer money and time has been wasted. As we all know, the cost will only be increasing (one of the points they talk about to make us deal with the "inevitable"). The case for "civic pride" is getting weaker and weaker as the dirty tactics used on and off the field are exposed. And honestly, the news about concussions in some pro sports cannot help their popularity. I'm hoping stadium fever will go away, not to another state, but to oblivion.
Posted by Janet Nye on April 17, 2012 09:44 PM

So go Vikes. Minneapolis can live without the team and their sky-high prices. There's another fan website that I shall not name, that's practically in tears about this. These man-children, who have no other benefit from this new stadium other than having a nicer seat and some bathrooms, perhaps a new stadium smell, are willing to take hundreds of millions away from bankrupt Minnesota to build an overpriced stadium just for a team to stay. Do they think their local government just grows money on trees to pay for everything?
Posted by Roger C. on April 18, 2012 06:22 AM

The whole thing will be back next year, and probably even worser. It won't take much to turn a couple of DFL pols (threats and/or campaign contributions from the Wilfs and organized labor) and since the Republicans appear to be pretty much on board, I say it's a done deal. It's election year theater, setting up the taxpayers for a whomping after offices have been re-secured. It's an old but true political maxim: always screw the citizens early in your term, never in election years.
Posted by Dave Boz on April 18, 2012 08:52 AM

At least the taxpayers won this round. Nice to see the politicians actually display some common sense and reasoning ability for once instead of just voting with their pocket books.
Posted by Joshua Northey on April 18, 2012 11:23 AM

If Republicans back this thing, they are hypocrites, but that shouldn't come as a surprise, should it?
I think Zygi will be looking to sell. He knows Minnesota's voters won't ever support this scam. This team is definitely going to LA.
Posted by Roger C. on April 18, 2012 12:21 PM

I needs me some taxpayer stadium cash... NOW! Or else!
Posted by Piggy Wilf on April 19, 2012 02:43 AM

Zygi Wilf will sell, but as long as he made money on the deal or he likely sells to a Minnesota investor. BTW, the Vikings aren't done in Minnesota by a long shot. Dakota County can have a referendum where the voters decide the future of an open air stadium in Shakopee. The chances of that failing aren't as good as the current situation in Minneapolis.
Posted by Jessy S. on April 19, 2012 06:51 PM

It's doubtful that the voters of Dakota County will vote to build a stadium in Shakopee since it is the county seat of Scott County.
Posted by Skippo on April 20, 2012 08:49 AM there any track record of stadium projects going belly up, after they have broken ground??? Like perhaps the 49ers stadium project...huh?
Posted by truth be told on April 22, 2012 02:44 AM there any track record of stadium projects going belly up, after they have broken ground??? Like perhaps the 49ers stadium project...huh?
Posted by truth be told on April 22, 2012 02:44 AM

After they've broken ground? None leap to mind.
Posted by Neil deMause on April 22, 2012 06:57 AM

Thanks Neil!
Posted by truth be told on April 23, 2012 09:38 PM