Field of Schemes
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May 04, 2012

Kohl: Give me Bucks arena money, or we're outtie

Apparently I'm off the hook, because now Milwaukee Bucks owner Herb Kohl today started an arena campaign in earnest, saying that if he doesn't get public arena subsidies, the team may not be long for Milwaukee.

Of course, he didn't say it like that. He couched it in terms that sounded less like, you know, a threat:

"It's not something we talk about anymore. It has to be more than talk," Kohl said.
Kohl also said he would make a personal financial commitment toward a new arena, but said it would ultimately take a public and private combination to build it. Kohl said his personal financial commitment would not be insignificant.

And as for the whole moving thing, it's not your ol' pal Herb making that insinuation, oh no — it's those meanies at the NBA league offices:

Asked if he felt pressure from the league to build a new arena to keep the team, Kohl said, "They would say without a new facility, Milwaukee's chances of remaining a part of the NBA are not robust," he said.

Of course, hard-nosed American journalists can see right through these kinds of non-threat threats and promises to put some private money into a venture that will 100% benefit a private team. Which is why the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ran as the headline on its story:

Kohl says it's time for a new arena, he'll pitch in

I just can't stand it.


I suppose I am a little biased because I am a Wisconsin graduate, but Senator Kohl is a good man.

While I personally think a renovation of the Bradley Center into a basketball-only venue would suffice, I hope that the Senator is successful in his drive to keep the franchise competitive and also in Downtown Milwaukee.

Perhaps land cleared by the demolition of the Park East Freeway (which, coincidentally had been discussed as the site of the new headquarters of Kohl's Department Stores) will come into play for a new arena.

Posted by Pudgie on May 5, 2012 01:07 AM

Pudgie, he's a good man? Do you know him, or do you just see him give speeches?

The guy isn't a Senator and wealthy businessman because he's a great guy!

Posted by Roger C. on May 5, 2012 04:09 AM

San Jose will be the home of the Bucks.

Posted by San Jose Bucks on May 6, 2012 04:25 PM

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