Field of Schemes
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April 23, 2012

Vikings stadium bill clings to half-life

The Minnesota Vikings stadium bill remains barely alive, as a Minnesota senate committee voted 8-6 on Friday to advance it to the next committee hearing. There's still the little matter of the state house having defeated the bill, though; no word yet on how the Vikings plan to resolve that issue, though according to team stadium chieftain Lester Bagley, they're "getting busy."

Gov. Mark Dayton's Friday meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, meanwhile, ended with Dayton saying, "They were here basically to say, 'This is it folks,'" while Goodell insisted, "There were no implied threats or any threats at all." It must be nice to have a governor to rattle your relocation saber for you — it saves a lot of time figuring out how to level oblique enough threats yourself.


If I understand this, Goodell shows up personally to declare to the good citizens of Minnesota that they will build the NFL a new stadium and they will pay the vast majority of the cost or the NFL will take their team and go somewhere else. The gall of these people just amaze me. Do they not realize that football is just a sport and that the Vikings have about the same revenue as new Wal-Mart or Target? When Target announced a major expansion of their Brooklyn Park campus, did they demand that the State of Minnesota pay for the new construction? No, only sports teams feel that they can get away with this crap. I think the State of Minnesota should just tell Goodell to take his treats and just stick it up his a**. I know we all love the Vikings, but the NFL's arrogance in demanding a new stadium is over the top.

Posted by William Walsh on April 23, 2012 10:45 AM

Oh where oh where is my stadium cash
oh where oh where can it be?
Please dig in the wallets of all the taxpayers
and give their money to me!!

Posted by Piggy Wilf on April 23, 2012 11:28 AM

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