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March 15, 2012
Vikings stadium bill hits roadblock at first hearing, could die entirely tomorrow
As promised, the Minnesota Vikings stadium bill got its first legislative hearing yesterday ... and promptly tripped over its own feet. After a two-hour-long hearing where the bill was savaged both by charitable gambling groups worried that they'll lose money if electronic pulltab gambling is approved to fund the stadium, and legislators worried that Gov. Mark Dayton's estimate that pulltabs would generate $62.5 million a year was pulled out of thin air, the bill was abruptedly pulled from discussion for retooling.
Exactly what the bill's sponsors can do to it to ease concerns remains unclear. One exchange at yesterday's hearing, as reported by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, went like this:
"In the event that not enough people gamble, what is the backup plan?" asked Sen. Pam Wolf, R-Spring Lake Park, who has co-authored a rival proposal to give the Vikings only a state loan for the project.
"We're working on that," said [Sen. Julie] Rosen, R-Fairmont.
She said perhaps a sports memorabilia tax or a special state lottery game for the stadium would "blink on" in case new gambling revenue falls short.
Meanwhile, the bill might not even survive long enough to be retooled in the senate: The state house needs to either hold a hearing on the stadium by tomorrow or grant the bill an exemption, and house speaker Kurt Zellers has indicated that he's not inclined to do the bill any special favors. He's officially noncommittal on what he'll do until tomorrow, though, so it looks like we'll have to wait 24 hours — and a lobbying-filled 24 hours they'll be, I'm sure — to find out whether the Vikings' latest attempt at getting taxpayer funds will fall as flat as all their previous ones.
Oh, it's not a sports memorabilia tax. Senator Rosen said quite clearly it's a fee, not a tax. A sports memorabilia fee! A fee on Twins jerseys to pay for the Viking's stadium.
Posted by Geoff on March 15, 2012 10:57 AMThe Vikings will get their stadium deal with it .
Posted by Queers for Vikings on March 15, 2012 03:40 PMThe Vikings will get their stadium deal with it .
Posted by Queers for Vikings on March 15, 2012 03:40 PMSome hicks will occasionally beat up some queers. Deal with it.
"Deal with it" is not really a smart response to problems unless they are really unsolvable. Most problems can be at least partially mitigate through the action of good people sharing good information.
Posted by QCIC on March 15, 2012 07:28 PM You can send me your info so we can start your stadium transaction Immediately. Please send to so we can just "Deal With It" thank you for your true support to the wilf family business
Best regards!!
MR.Ziggy Wilf
Posted by Ziggy wilfare on March 17, 2012 03:38 AMPiggy Wilf needs him some stadium dough. Pony up, citizens!!
Posted by Zygmunt on March 17, 2012 03:28 PM