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February 04, 2010
49ers footing nearly entire Santa Clara stadium lobbying bill
The numbers are in for how much of the budget for Santa Clarans for Economic Progress, the group that's lobbying for a new 49ers stadium, is supplied by the team itself, and the answer is pretty damn near all of it:
Of the almost $364,000 in cash or work time donated to Santa Clarans for Economic Progress -- a group of business owners, former civic officials and others -- all but $985 of it came from the team, the records show. The contribution total includes about $147,000 in staff time from at least five team employees working on the campaign.
The next biggest contributor to the effort was former City Councilwoman Lisa Gillmor with $200.
I think this officially redefines Santa Clarans for Economic Progress from a "49ers-funded group" to a "49ers front group." Journalists, reset your stylebooks.

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Only 0.2% ($645) is from Santa Clarans.
They are trying to buy this election. Just like the Card Room tried to buy the election in 1992-1993, and the Giants tried to by the election in 1990. Neither of those times did Santa Clarans allow themselves to be bought.
Posted by SantaClaraTaxpayer on February 4, 2010 09:50 AM

I'd spend $364,000 if it meant I'd eventually receive taxpayer subsidies of $444 million.
Posted by Juan Pardell on February 4, 2010 10:42 AM

Yes, SCT, democracy in action.
In a free country, I guess you can't actually prevent people from paying to lobby in their own self interest. But you can certainly make them acknowledge their lack of impartiality - in print.
We do it to manufacturing companies and car salesmen all the time. We just haven't gotten around to applying the same standard to the credit card industry or sports-extortion businesses yet.
Posted by John Bladen on February 4, 2010 01:25 PM

Mr. Pardell hits the right note - of course you'll spend 0.32 percent to steal the pot. That's how Stadium Poker is played.
The "Astroturf" 49ers Stadium Group doesn't even have a single Santa Clara resident on its Board or as any of its officers, either.
Please visit us for more details.
Bill Bailey, Treasurer
Santa Clara Plays Fair

Grassroots organizations are usually bottom up, and they are supposed to be for the people, and by the people. But NOT this group, they are a top to bottom down group, with money being supplied by the ownership of the 49ers. This is a Sham, just like this whole stadium debacle is.
Posted by mizg on February 4, 2010 07:12 PM