Field of Schemes
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January 20, 2010

Maryland approves Baltimore soccer stadium study

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon's idea of building a soccer stadium in South Baltimore took another baby step forward yesterday, as the Maryland Stadium Authority approved spending $100,000 to study the possibility of a new stadium for either D.C. United or the minor-league Crystal Palace Baltimore. Or rather, to "explore the benefits" of building a 17,000- to 20,000-seat stadium, for which you'd presumably need to know stuff like how much it would cost and who would pay for it — but given typical economic impact studies, maybe not.


Meanwhile, DC city council & Mayor Fenty are discussing the economic and cultural benefits of tearing down mid-century masterpiece RFK stadium to build Yet Another Monstrosity of an NFL stadium on the site. FedEx field is what, fifteen years old already and now they need something bigger and better?

Even the Kojo Nnamdi show seems to think this is a good idea, keeping up with the Cowboys stadium. These rivalries run deeper than we might think. Childish way to manage policy but what do I know.

Anyway, there's a lead for you, Neil. Given how hopelessly impoverished and shamelessly corrupt DC government really is (just check out how things are going at the University of the District of Columbia... did you know it even existed?), there's plenty of material to work with vis a vis the Redskins, America's favorite sports franchise with an ugly racist mascot and team colors that recall one's first menstrual cycle.

Posted by Anderson on January 20, 2010 02:04 PM

That would be awesome if Crystal Palace of Baltimore gets a new stadium.

Posted by nyrmetros on January 20, 2010 10:33 PM

Mixed feelings. I would love to see a decent footy place in Balti (having lived there for close to 30 years) but DC United? That's kinda out of market. I suppose it would be ok if Palace USA got it.

Anderson, I'm with you on calling bullshit in the new Redskins facility thing. Come on now....90,000 seats, about 15,000 of them club seats, tons of lux boxes, acres of parking, the Skins OWN the damn place, get all revenues from it, and it STILL ain't enough?? Goddam, Snyder must share Col. Bullmoose's old dream of having all the money in the world. (google it if you don't know)

Posted by Marty on January 21, 2010 12:18 PM

Oops, that was GENERAL Bullmoose. My bad.

Posted by Marty on January 21, 2010 12:20 PM

DC United may be a bit out of market, but it also may be their last hope. Seems every other stadium plan has failed, and the District has basically said RFK has a limited remaining lifespan before they raze it (thus destroying the first and last of the cookie cutter monstrosities built in the 60's)

Posted by Dan on January 22, 2010 02:50 PM

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