Field of Schemes
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November 20, 2009

Nets arena lawsuits are the new black

The Village Voice headline says it all: Yet Another Atlantic Yards Lawsuit! This one, filed by a group of local elected officials and community groups, charges that the Brooklyn Nets arena deal wasn't adequately evaluated by the state — which is different, mind you, from the lawsuit a similar group filed last month charging that the sale of state-owned rail yards wasn't adequately evaluated. Add in the pending eminent domain appeal and the other recent lawsuit against the state, and the number of suits in play against the project is now up to four. This can't be making the bond insurers happy.


When the nets play in brooklyn jayz can sing his new york song. I can't wait it will be a box office bonanza

Posted by Dan on November 20, 2009 02:21 PM

It's refreshing to see a Bloomberg boondoggle that only benefits developers get real pushback from the locals. Maybe if they'd done this in the Queens and the Bronx we wouldn't be dealing with the travesties that are Citi Field and Fake Yankee Stadium.

Posted by Ian on November 23, 2009 12:18 AM

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