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September 01, 2009
Yanks lower playoff ticket prices; also, pigs fly
Is it opposite week at New York Yankees HQ or what? First the team relents and allows fans to bring small bags to the games, now comes word that they're lowering postseason ticket prices from what they'd planning on last year, with tickets for the Division Series largely unchanged from regular-season levels. Either they know something about the recession that we don't, or they're planning to make it back on $12 popcorn buckets. Or maybe they're just hoping to make up the difference in StubHub fees.
UPDATE: New Stadium Insider notes that with the smaller capacity of Fake Yankee Stadium, larger season-ticket base, and required set-asides for MLB and the media, fewer than 5,000 tickets will be available to the general public for the ALDS (and fewer than 1,000 for the World Series). Still, a break to season ticket holders is still a break — and the relative scarcity of generally available tickets only makes it weirder that the Yanks are passing up the chance to ask for the moon.