Field of Schemes
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May 10, 2009

Line forms here to hate on New Yankee Stadium

This weekend in new Yankee Stadium coverage:

  • Add the New York Times' Tyler Kepner to the list of people who think the Yankees destroyed what was special about the old stadium, in part thanks to that moat separating the front-row seats from the hoi polloi.
  • If you want to buy pieces of the dearly departed, you can do so starting on Tuesday, when Steiner Sports will announce prices for seats, foul poles, and signage from the old stadium. Steiner and the Yankees, reports CNBC's Darren Rovell, bought these items from New York City for $11.5 million, which is slightly more than the $10 million take the city originally projected. Whether that ends up a good deal for the city depends on whether the sale really rakes in $30 million as was previously projected — though you already have to wonder if that extra $1.5 million was really worth the delay in getting started on those replacement parks.
  • The new umpteen-million-dollar video screen is busted already. Hey, I hear there's a used one going on sale from Steiner Sports on Tuesday!


I love the way the Yankees have put the real fans in our place. I can't believe how lucky we all were that they allowed low class common fans to sit near the infield. We feel much better that we can't ruin the experience of the people sitting inside the moat. I love the body language of The HipHop Cops protecting the stadium from the many loyal Yankee Fans. Disneyworld with an edge!

Posted by Sad Yankee Fan on May 11, 2009 02:42 PM

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