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April 24, 2009
Seatgate: Our long national nightmare continues
The controversy over those empty seats at New York Mets and Yankees games has reached MLB commissioner Bud Selig, though he was typically uncritical of the teams in his response:
"Hal Steinbrenner did say a couple of weeks ago that he thought that they may have overpriced tickets, and they ought to look at it. Well, good for him," Selig said at MLB's New York headquarters in a meeting with the Associated Press Sports Editors. "And I know the Wilpons are very sensitive about all of this, and I'm sure both clubs are doing that. And I'm not suggesting that they shouldn't be doing that. Because they should."
Which is all well and good, except that it was reported the day before that Yankees president Randy Levine revealed the team intends to raise premium ticket prices 4% next year. Guess Selig doesn't read the Times.
As for Levine, he's said he considers the issue closed: "We're done talking about seats," he told reporters on Wednesday. "We're not talking about seats." You may not be, Randy, but everybody else still is.

Randy Levine and Yankee Management thought they could walk all over the fans. The reality is that they have egg on their faces and can't deal with the outcome. The Dallas Cowboys will be the next sports franchise that will get a reality check.
Posted by Sad Yankee Fan on April 25, 2009 11:47 AM

Arrogant asshole Levine. In his interview with Charles Gibson, Levine didn't even bat an eyelash when Gibson brought up that new Yankee Stadium had lobster. He's a real prick, too.
Posted by Mark on April 25, 2009 02:15 PM

OK. Over/under on the possibility that Randy Levine would be out of anything to do with the Yankees by year's end?
Posted by Transic on April 27, 2009 03:11 PM

Levine won't be going anywhere. As in any corporation they protect their own. Now on the other hand, some vendor trying to support his family on his income will probably be shown the door because they don't need as many.
The "little guy" will always get screwed.
Posted by Chris on May 1, 2009 01:37 PM