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March 12, 2009
No Citi name for Mets subway stop
New York Mets fans upset about their new stadium being named after a bailed-out bank can take solace in the fact that at least the local subway stop won't be. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has revealed that the Willets Point/Shea Stadium stop on the 7 train will be renamed "Mets/Willets Point" after the Mets declined to cough up naming-rights money to slap a corporate name on the station. "We're willing, as we have said, to entertain corporate names on stations, but only for a fee," MTA spokesperson Jeremy Soffin told the New York Times.
As for the Yankees, their local subway stop will continue to be called "161st Street/Yankee Stadium," because their new stadium will have the same name as the old one. And, presumably, the MTA doesn't see "Yankee" as a corporate name.