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March 12, 2009
San Jose to launch A's campaign
Oakland A's owner Lew Wolff may have told San Jose city officials to quit bugging MLB about his team moving to their city, but Mayor Chuck Reed just can't contain his enthusiasm, it seems. "All right, it's time for baseball," said Reed yesterday in announcing that the issue will be taken up at an April 7 city council meeting. :We know we have a great market for professional sports and we have a site identified. Although the [economic impact report] is done, it's not 100 percent ready. But we can prepare ourselves."
Reed said it was too soon to spend city money on a poll to see if city residents are as excited as he is, but a council committee disagreed, passing a measure yesterday that called for a public poll. Michael Mulcahy, the local businessman and former mayoral candidate who heads the private A's to San Jose Study Group, says he's trying to raise private funds to do the polling. Not like there'd be any concerns about biased results there.
UPDATE: Reed's office has put out a statement saying that the AP story linked above was incorrect, and that any poll will be funded by Mulcahy's private group. Hey, remember when newspapers conducted polls, in an attempt to be objective and stuff? Remember newspapers?