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February 08, 2008
Yankees stadium cost passes $1.8B
Before leading a press tour of the New York Yankees' under-construction stadium (to judge from the press coverage that resulted, Kool-Aid was liberally dispensed), team president Lonn Trost revealed that the price tag for the structure itself had risen from $1 billion to $1.3 billion, mostly thanks to additions like a snazzier video screen and more lavish concession stands. Add in the $340 million in new parking garages and $200 million in parkland to replace what was demolished to make way for the new stadium, and the whole project is now somewhere north of $1.8 billion.
Trost was unspecific about how the new additions would be paid for, though when asked if the team was getting additional financing for the extra costs, he replied, "We will be." If the added costs come out of the Yankees' pockets (or more likely, the pockets of concessionaires and scoreboard advertisers who will pony up higher fees), that would bring the team's expense after tax breaks and other subsidies to around $700 million, or still less than what the public is putting in. And taxpayers, needless to say, won't be getting any money from ads on the spiffy new scoreboard.

So if I'm follow the ever-rising cost of this white elephant correctly, we're now on the hook for $1 billion (plus $700 million from the generous Yankees and $150 million from MLB). Is that right?
That Jets stadium on the west side is starting to look good after all.
Posted by yidkid on February 12, 2008 04:15 PM

There's some money from the garage developers, too, which keeps the total public cost down to a "mere" $799 million. Unless the garages don't bring in enough revenue, of course, in which case the city gets hit with that tab as well.
Posted by Neil on February 12, 2008 04:24 PM

Neil, I am predicting that New Yankee Stadium will not become a reality. Furthermore, I don't care how much of the stadium is already built, costs are likely to rise to over 10 billion dollars before fall.
Posted by Jessy on February 14, 2008 07:19 PM