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November 30, 2005
Kings arena plan not dead yet
Third time's the charm or three strikes you're out? Sacramento developer Angelo Tsakopoulos, who'd floated plans to build a new Kings arena last September and revived them this October, is back for another try, again via a proposal to get the city to allow development of vacant land and skim off the development rights money to pay for an arena. This time, though, you can tell Tsakopoulos is really excited about it, by the way he told the Sacramento Bee: "I don't know what's going to happen, but I have to say, I don't think the chances are very good." Sell it, Angelo!
The latest proposal comes against a backdrop of rumors that Kings owners Joe and Gavin Maloof are preparing to hightail it out of town to Anaheim - a rumor that NBA commissioner David Stern took care to both quash and fan the flames of simultaneously, saying, "There is nothing going on. But the question is still whether this deal is going to get done." That was enough for Bee columnist Ailene Voisin to mount her high horse, lambasting city officials for failing to jump off the cliff that all their friends have:
So how long before speculation becomes reality? Until frustration overwhelms determination? And please, tell me again why other owners and all these other cities (Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Memphis, San Antonio, Charlotte, etc.) can overcome their own unique obstacles and construct facilities, while Sacramento can't even sniff a blueprint? ... It's time to break ground.
Back here on Earth, it's dubious whether the Maloofs would really prefer to be second tenant (behind the Mighty Ducks) and third local NBA franchise (behind the L.A. Lakers and Clippers) rather than remaining the big dogs in Sacramento. If other cities keep throwing public money around the way Oklahoma City is, though, all bets are off. Race to the bottom, anyone?

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Posted by loans on December 25, 2011 09:20 PM