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November 03, 2005
San Jose to buy land for, oh, uh, no reason, really
And speaking of the Oakland A's, the city of San Jose is continuing its efforts to lure them south, even if MLB insists they will be allowed to do no such thing. The city council is expected next week to approve the purchase of one-tenth of a proposed stadium site for $5.7 million - this, as you'll recall, is part of the parcel that the city insists it can buy without a required public referendum on sports spending, since, hey, it's not like they've made up their minds what to do with the land, wink wink, nudge nudge. Actually building a stadium, though, would require a public vote, which could come in November 2006.

Maybe San Jose will build their 2 time MLS Cup champions Earthquakes a stadium on that land ehh?
Posted by Bertell Ollman on November 3, 2005 02:32 PM

Bertell: Yes! You guess right.
See this latest story:
Posted by Winston on November 12, 2005 11:20 AM

Or this:
Posted by Winston on November 12, 2005 11:21 AM