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November 03, 2004
Those other election returns
Stadium-related election results, as of shortly before 2 am Eastern time:
- The Dallas Cowboys look set to have half of a $650 million stadium paid for by Arlington taxpayers, with a stadium referendum leading 54-46% at the moment, with 93% of precincts reporting. The 100-1 Rule holds true again.
- On the other hand, the "Bistate 2" sales tax hike to fund renovations of the Kansas City Royals and Chiefs stadiums, as well as local arts programs, is going down to defeat in four of the five counties where it was on the ballot (passage in Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties was necessary for approval), even though, according to one opposition leader: "We were outspent 100 to 1. It was very difficult to stand up to the rich guys who wanted their hobbies subsidized."
- A St. Louis County referendum to bar public funding of sports facilities without a voter referendum looks to be passing easily (72-28% with 65% of precincts reporting), according to the Associated Press. Whether this can be applied to scuttle payment of the Cardinals stadium bonds already issued last year will now likely be decided by the courts.
- San Francisco County looks to be approving a ban on the corporate naming of Candlestick Park (54.4% to 45.6%, says AP). Since the naming rights were already sold last month, this one could be headed for a lawsuit as well.

Kansas City residents don't vote for Greed. The Big Boys thought big, the citizens of Kansas City think smart and carefully. This was an attempt to futher subsidize millionaire team owners. Even sports radio came out against the "PIG" attitude. The arts people didn't include the minority population in the planning and the way that the grants would be set up had no segmentation which means that the peoples' art would get nickles and dimes and the Big Boys would get the folding money. Another attempt to tell us taxpayers what our money should be spent on. The were going to build playgrounds and restaurants at the stadium--nothing for the average fan. The Kansas City Business Journal had a series of articles that looked at some of the studies you have available on Field of Schemes. Thanks for the resources.
Posted by Mark Esping on November 3, 2004 12:06 PM

Wichita, KS ended up approving a 1 cent sales tax for 30 months by a 52-48% vote (roughly a 5,000 vote margin). As reported earlier on the site, it looked like the measure was heading for defeat. But a lot of advertising by arena supporters swayed enough voters to pass the measure.
What the arena supporters failed to tell everyone is that the vote is only advisory. The county does not have the authority to hold a vote to approve a sales tax increase. The state legislature still has to approve the sales tax increase. Arena opponents have promised to lobby the legislature to oppose the tax hike, so the arena is still up in the air.
Posted by Tony Osio on November 8, 2004 12:35 PM