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January 25, 2004
MN poll: No stadiums, please
As Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's stadium committee charges ahead with picking new stadium plans for the Twins and Vikings, a new poll of Minnesota residents shows that most think the entire exercise is a waste of time. According to the Star Tribune poll, Minnesotans oppose a new home for the Twins by a 52-42 percent margin, with just 36% saying they'd spend any tax money on a Twins stadium; less than a third of those polled think the Vikings should get new digs at all, let alone at taxpayer expense.

Neil, would you please provide an updated link to your source. I am doing an analysis of the Vikings stadium (unfortunately also a fan) for a class and would love to cite your source directly. Thanks.
Posted by Zeke on March 5, 2010 12:25 PM

That's all I have, sorry - the Star Trib must have killed the link. If you have Nexis access through your school, try searching the Minneapolis Star Tribune for "stadium" on or about 1/5/04.
Posted by Neil on March 5, 2010 12:29 PM